Category: UX Design
UX Design stands for “User Interface” Design. Following is a discussion of the best UX Design Trends 2020.
Reality, Virtual or Augmented or Mixed: UX Design 2020 promises to completely revolutionize our surrounding ecosphere and Reality itself. The Pseudo-Reality , or Symbolic Realty , which we have been using so far on the screens of our devices, mobile or PC, will begin to be phased away, as User Experience will demand greater and more immersive Reality. The screen will be a thing of the past. Augmented Reality (AR) are a set of computer generated information which will be experienced through tactile movements in wearable devices, gradually blurring the boundary between the Virtual and the Real. 2019 experienced the Occulus Rift, Pokemon Go and Fitbit. But 2020 promises to replace the partial experience that these devices provided, into more completely immersive experiences.
3D/Realism Illustrations and Typography: Typography has been veering strongly towards dimension design which simulates 3D Realism in design currently. Augmented Reality is now being utilized extensively in industry, finding a variety of uses in diverse areas such as gaming design and healthcare. Simple geometric shapes in abstract compositions are trending, with ample use of white space to balance the structure created as focus point. White space emphasizes the bold colors used, stressing the Brand message. The use of 3D Realism and matching Typography can make the presentation mesmerizing. Not just instant gratification, but embedding the Brand in the mind of the Customer is the main purpose of the Trands of 2020.

Bold Oversized Typography and Variable Typography: UX Design is trending the use of Bold Typography, unlike even a decade ago. Brand Image is conveyed thereby, as well as attracting potential customers. It imparts a distinct personality to the presentation. When used purposefully and with confidence, Bold Typography has immense potential. The UX Design itself can be simple, but Bold Typography catches the eye immediately, and conveys the message. In addition, if the Typography is Variable in dynamic functionality, it adds instant attention to the mix. UX Designs in 2020, particularly Headers, will be minimalistic, crisply simple, and yet innately rendered instantly eye-catching by Bold Oversized Typography, and sometimes even by constantly dynamic and changeable Variable Typography.

Broken Grids and Asymetrical Layouts: UX Design Trends are always on the lookout for Customer attention. Thousands of web pages are thumbed through by some millions of customers every day, but do not often catch the attention for any length of time. Ecommerce Analysts with a bent for customer psychology have pointed out the extraordinary fascination that Broken Grids and Asymmetrical Layouts have on our unconscious mind, and how quickly this imprints the brand image and message on the customer’s psyche. The Grid is actually a set of imaginary lines, that keep order in the layout objects on the page. Broken Grid lines rearrange these objects seemingly chaotically but in a unique pattern that will initially fragmentize the user’s attention, capture his imagination, and finally direct the viewer to the message and the branding. This creative technique will in all probability lead the Trends in 2020.
Micro Interactions: UX Design Trends have only lately begun to value Micro Interactions, which are tiny but engrossing and delightful interactions with the user to make the experience ultimately more pleasurable for the user. These are moments embedded into the application, which create serendipity in the user. It can be a animation tool to collect feedback, improve navigation in the site, or just be a point of pleasure for the potential customer. It is a superlative technique to delightful feedback, at the same time increasing customer satisfaction and retention. Micro Interactions are not broad value strokes or utility features, but reduce bounce to near zero and improve stickiness, without being overly noticeable. It creates positive vibes about the product and the site, but quietly. It is one of best Trend setters in 2020.
Low Key Gradients: UX Design Trends are stressing Minimalism in 2020, and this Trend is perfectly in line with this concept. Flashy and Gaudy Gradients are no longer in, quiet impression is. Low Key Gradients giving depth and image volume are the path to customer retention, in the midst of universal noise and flash. It is right now the best way to attract attention, by being different.
Hand-Drawn Illustrations: The very human imperfections of these Hand-Drawn Illustrations leave a lasting impression on the visitors, leaving an emotional response in visitors that is impossible to replicate otherwise.
Sound (Google Pay, Paytm): UX/UI Design will incorporate Sound Layers in 2020, which will create an intoxicating audio background to the projection of the central vision. Later in 2020, Sound may even take center-stage, with the visual content backing up.
Finding the Differences Between Web Designer and Web Developer
The builders of the website may provide the simple way in getting to online but getting an expert help can offer best and bigger outcomes. Many of the businesses invest in designing a website from a web developer or web designer for the money. Finding the difference among the both web designer and the web developer gives you a clear idea about their use in the web development. They both are used to construct the websites but are incorporated in various regions. The web designers utilize the visuals and create the websites concentrating on the client. Whereas the web developer built the core structure of the web site utilizing the complex coding languages. The web developer professionals utilize their coding knowledge and the programming to create the vision for a web designer. Web designers are like architects whereas the web developers are like the workers of a construction site. They possess various set of skills but both build the websites in the way the user wishes of wants to or meets the needs of user. Let’s discuss about the differences between web designer and web developer.
What are the contrasts between the web designer and web developer?
Both are used to build the websites, if you need a website to be built from scratch you need both web designer and web developer to give you good website. Let’s see the comparisons among the web designer and web developer are:
Web Designer
The web designer is the one who enhances the visual of your website. They concentrate on the feel of the webpage and style of the web page utilizing any software for personalizing the visual elements of website. They have the professionalism which we are going to see now:
User interface designer

A web designer of UI helps to enhance the way clients communicating with the interface or elements present on your website. It happens by translating the ideas which are branded ones and are complex and values into the site which is simple to navigate and enjoyable. The user experience designer actually concentrates on researching into constructing a solid user experience in a positive way. Whereas User interface designer concentrates on the feel and look which means on the aesthetics of your genuine website. They work hand in hand especially when it comes to mobile sites and/or mobile apps. Such is the case with Local Sex App, a fuckbook app that has a desktop version for those accessing the hookup app from home as well as a very appealing mobile adult dating app known for its UI and UX design.
User experience designer:
It is the job or task of the user experience designer to hook the visitor. They actually know in a precise manner what will satisfy the clients and what they might enjoy. As they are performed based on the research into the needs of website and demographics of user. It also requires the researching on site restructuring and testing of prototype.
You can think that how it will be when visitors visit your website the most and recommend it to others. It will be thrilling this is what a user experience designer makes to your website by improving it.
Visual designer:
The mixture of both user interface and user experience designer is visual designer. It is the task of the visual designer to utilize the skills of creativity and coding for solving the issues of design. They also enable in conceptualizing the voice tone and brand’s unique style. The visual designers are referred as the masters of the trades of web design and their particular positions is based on what the user requires to be in a website.
Web Developer

The web developer’s task is to build the concept of web designer. They are like the one who build like as construction workers whereas the web designers are like the one who see vision. The developer of web studies in designing the applications of website where as the web designer mainly concentrates on what the client is intended to enjoy. A web developer constructs the framework of website utilizing the programming like jQuery and JavaScript. They have a goal to make smooth running website. Same as the web designers the web developers also have specific roles or positions
Front end developer:
The developer of front end means the development at the client side. It is mainly joined to web designing than the development of back end. As it involves certain web design programming languages like HTML, JavaScript, and CSS. They create certain elements which the client can look at like forms of client leading. The front-end developers possess skills of coding yet they construct the structures with which the client can communicate with.
Back end developer:
The developer of back end means the development at the server side. The back-end developer is the one who can design the core structure of your website. The developers of back end are professionals in utilizing the programming languages which are complex like C#, Java, and SQL. The tasks performed by the back-end developer are not looked by the clients as the developers mainly work on the databases and servers. Their task is to produce functional and logical websites utilizing different programs. They are also responsible for bugs testing and fixing them.
Full stack developer:
The combination of both front-end developer and back end developer is full stack developer. It is in an essential manner the full package as they are the experts in all of the regions.
Thus, a web designer designs a fresh page layout whereas the web developer constructs the fresh contact form and creates a mobile application. The web designer conceptualizes the branding of new website whereas the web developer fixes the issues of server or hosting. The web designer edits the videos and photos whereas the web developer breathes into the vision of web designer. Both the web designer and web developer have their own roles and duties to perform. Both of them do is build a website for you one creates the vision, other offers the concept of the vision. For designing a website from scratch, you need both web designer and developer. So, you require developer for building the foundation whereas the web designer for putting look and feel to your website the way the user need it.