Tag: features of photoshop
Features of Adobe Photoshop Valuable To Web Designers
For the past many years, Photoshop transitioned itself from being just used for editing photos to one of the best industry-standardized programs for web designing and graphics. But Photoshop to an extent has not somewhat successfully catered to these particular challenges faced by web designers. For being on par with the industrial changes and staying ahead of competitions, Photoshop implemented some great latest features. Also, it has improved its current tools for better alignment along with the latest web designer’s workflow.
Features Of Adobe Photoshop Enjoyed By Web Designers
- Artboards
When you are creating website design in Photoshop CC, artboards can be a great choice, especially when it is present in app design or responsive workflow. With artboards, you can build various canvases, design various amounts of views and screens. All this right on the file.

For example, you might have both the mobile view and desktop view designed on separate artboards, for showing how your website adapts to other sizes. Another great advantage of Adobe Photoshop is it provides various default device sizes while setting up the latest artboard for easy references. You can even export Artboards as separate files or even as a single PDF file. So, it will be easy to organize as well as share your designs.
- Layer Comps

The best part of using layer comps is that it provides designers with simple methods of setting up a variety of views in a single file. Frankly, it is one of the important methods to save the current layer state of the document, so that it can be viewed later. This will be helpful in placing various layouts in a single file, however, you can easily toggle among various versions for displaying to your team or client.
- Smart Objects

These so-called smart objects are important for website designs developed in Photoshop. Frankly, they are defined as basic layers containing various image data right from the vector or raster images like Illustrator or Photoshop files.
Now by importing assets like smart objects, you end up editing the asset as and when needed without discarding the data if you want to access the original version. Here, this is extremely helpful for vector graphics as it can help you to resize and even adjust the object as much as you want without compromising the quality.
Now smart objects are quite useful for web design as they allow assets to be exported in the required format. Like if you are planning to export a graphic like SVG, you can easily do it by keeping the vector version intact and even by importing it just like the smart object rather than the rasterized image.
- Asset Export

If you check out in Photoshop CC, image assets like JPGs and PNGs will automatically produce folders on your PC as and when you are working on the design just by renaming the layers. In addition, there are even advanced options providing control over the manner the assets are exported and optimized, especially at what sizes they are created. So, this particular feature will save the web designers both the effort as well as the time while the website creation process is going on.
- Library Panel
Now the library panel present in Photoshop CC will allow you to create assets that are specific to the design. Frankly, it can be used for storing graphics, colors, layers or text styles, elements and more. So, it will make it simple for reference and even reuse assets through the whole designs. Plus, it makes it easier for collaborating on the design with other team members.
Here using the library panel for the website design will easily assist you to make sure that there is consistency in the style usage and components all through the views. So, by keeping elements like colors consistent and typography, it will help in bringing easier transition right from the development and design stages.
- Creating Assets
One of the best advantages of photoshop is that you can save each and all kinds of layers present in your photoshop as a separate image asset. The only thing you need to do is just append the layer name with any kind of appropriate image extension.
Currently, there are certainly supported extensions.JPEG, .PNG, .GIF,SVG. Most importantly, you have the choice to mention the quality of the image as well as the size of the newly created assets.
After that, you can append the extensions to the given layers or layer groups. Here the newly created assets will be stored in a subfolder along with the source PSD file. So, if the source PSD file is not saved, then you can save the assets in the new folder on your desktop.
The new and latest feature of Adobe Photoshop has indeed increased curiosity among various users. It has even helped in improving the usage of this valuable tool for designers.